The CoWorking, based in Hungary/1075 Budapest/Károly Körút 5., is a co-working space. It can inspire other space creators who want to boost flow & fun at work.♥ Thanks to Katinka ( for adding this space
The CoWorking, based in Hungary/1075 Budapest/Károly Körút 5., is a co-working space. It can inspire other space creators who want to boost flow & fun at work.♥ Thanks to Katinka ( for adding this space
You can work with us independently, but supported. With friends, who help you, when and if you need. In an environment, which inspires while being comfortable. Our Co-Working space lets you to achieve your goals, in harmony with yourself and your environment. You’ll have plenty of private space and support : while being yourself, but never alone.
Cowo is a much better choice to work, than a busy internetcafe, home office, or rented appartement. For the modest rental fee you get such an infrastructure, which you find only in modern office environment. All what you need to concentrate on your work – 7/24.
Light, Space, Harmony, Smile, and Reliability- that’s what we offer. You find your privat space and timeschedule with us, in the middle of the town. PC, Printer, Scanner – all what you may need to work efficiently. High speed, redundant Internet access, free local calls, private phone number, cloud computing, computer back up, PC support, website – online presence.