Think about your creative space as a capsule.
- A good creative space works like a capsule: it provides a framework and freedom at the same time.
- Innovation projects work better with people than with institutions.
- If you want to break the boundaries within a large organization, identify the already highly motivated intrapreneurs. Look closely, listen carefully, approach people free of hierarchy. Trigger serendipity.
- You are longing for creativity. But creativity is not only about generating ideas & products, but also about overcoming organizational obstacles and shaping new processes and structures.
- Outsourced innovation environments can stir up great ideas & products. But if you want them to develop your organization further, your dedicated space shouldn’t lose touch.
- Creating human over-capacities on purpose in your organization allows for extra people to shadow the operational staff and turn their falling-off-the-table-ideas into projects, products and businesses.
- An organization as a whole can easier be transformed through the start of engaging and vivid pilot projects as examples than solely through top level structural changes.
- Don’t let your creative space grow so large that it’s preoccupied with its own organization.
- As a shaper of a creative space, you should constantly question your own approach, your true impact, and even your own replacability. However, if things are running well, don’t mind being the one who gets the pizza for the team.