The we_lab, based in Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh, India, is an education place. It can inspire other space creators who want to boost exchange between diverse people, learning & personal development.♥ Thanks to Jonathan Imme ( for adding this space
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The goal of we_school in a rural area is to uplift society as a whole – not only its students!
What makes we_school unique is the fact that we_school brings together students and the community to become aware of local problems and to find sustainable solutions to solve them.
we_school is a school for 4-64 year olds. Not meaning that we offer lessons for adults. But we include them in our problem-identifying-and-solving-procedures.
we_school fosters the idea of social entrepreneurship from an early age on.
Same is true for design thinking.
we_school aims to make education sustainable for ALL villagers. Parents shouldn’t “loose” a child when it enters we_school, on he contrary, EVERYBODY should benefit from it!
we_school includes strong components of project based / experimental learning.
we_school is based on diversity: The arts, sciences, humanities, physical education, languages and maths all have equal and central contributions to make to a student’s education. Elevating some disciplines over others only reinforces outmoded assumptions of industrialism and offends the principle of diversity.
we-school prepares our kids for a world that is unpredictable by teaching them to adapt, to deal with change and to be prepared for uncertainty.
we_school is a green school.
we_school is a networked model based upon international and local collaborators.
we_school fully embraces new technologies. Not only as tools to get things done but much more as organizing principles (= values) such as collaboration, transparency, resonance, empathy, integrity, participation and reputation which define a new aera in teaching and learning.